Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Energy Crisis 2022; What To Do?

 Where to start? The page remains resolutely blank. Only writing these words is better than doing nothing at all.

So we are facing an energy apocalypse but because the government wants to have a Prime Minister (a.k.a scapegoat) in place before telling the people they are supposed to govern what they plan to do about it Until then, solution proposals remain resolutely …blank.

For those people fortunate enough to make money out of the business they invest in, profit is not a dirty word (they say). But it is only those who defend their profits that are trying to justify what is going on right now; and can afford to make the argument for it.

Profit is fine but crippling profit is not. Business needs consumers - the demand to meet the supply. Without demand there is no supply and ultimately no business. Consumers need money to spend. This is the simple reality we face with energy bills increasing well beyond the ability to afford it.

The latest warning about the cost of energy comes from entertainment outlets, like pubs and restaurants, who will simply close down because it is not viable to run a business on such high energy charges. Not that there will be anyone going out as potential customers learn to choose whether to eat food or heat their home. For many people in the UK this is already a reality.

High profits and low wages is an insane combination. It is even worse when the UK sold a national necessity abroad and can only watch the profits disappear over the English Channel. The dream of globalisation reveals the unintended consequence of abject dependency on what clearly should have remained an essential self sufficient goal.

While international methods calculate the cost of oil, bringing the world to its knees in the process, I find it bizarre that some want to take away the cost of building renewable energy when the road out of this extortion is to promote more renewable energy.

It was reported by Offgen (30 Aug 2022) that buying back the energy companies would cost £2.8bn. Yes we could nationalise the energy companies again but I would like to see them become not for profit organisations instead. Government should not be running businesses. Gordon Brown made the Bank of England independent to stop government interference. Likewise I would see energy, water, the NHS and education go down the same independent ‘not-for-profit’ route.

In five day’s time we will know who the next Prime Minister will be; I suspect Liz Truss, who is the ideal scapegoat to cock it up and force a general election, which the Conservative Party may well lose and she would become the shortest serving Prime Minister in British history.

There are strikes for more wages and inflation is running at its highest level for 40 years - the consequences of high profits and low wages. Millions are facing the abyss of the bleakest winter ever known in the Western World. We may even get to experience poverty like those who live in Afghanistan, Yemen or other war torn countries unless our government is prepared to take some truly radical steps to rewrite the way the UK does business.

Where to start? …but starting at least is better than doing nothing at all.

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