Thursday, 23 December 2021

Capricorn Ingress December 2021

 When the Sun moves into Capricorn at the Winter Solstice, the seeds of the year to come are planted. How they grow depends on our awareness of them and how we manage the energies, how we feed them and how much we care for them. What follow are the planetary aspects at play that will shape the year of 2022. This chart is mostly set with the UK in mind but where houses may differ in other parts of the world, the aspects between planets remain the same.

The unsapected Neptune in the 2021 Capricorn Ingress chart commands a powerful position in its own sign of Pisces (20º31’). This is set in 10th House if chart is set for London (UT), which places ethics and working practices not only at the front of our minds but opens the mind to new possibilities to different and better ways to govern and administer. Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces is also in the 10th House but will not enter Pisces until 29 December 2021. However, this may imply that we are on the cusp of societal changes that marks further development of what, after the COVID_19 pandemic is spent, constitutes the ‘new normal’.

Many financial irregularities have been coming to light over PPE contracts, spurious undeclared donations for Downing Street refurbishments and other irregularities like office parties being held during a National lock down. On the opposite end of the scale we had nurses within the National Health Service, working to the point of exhaustion, being offered a weekly round of applause, followed by a measly 1% pay increase with inflation rising to 6%. So claps do not pay bills, 1% is an insult but it is ok to splurge billions on a test and trace system that does not work.

The Moon in the 2nd House opposes a Venus / Pluto conjunction in the 8th House. The people’s values (2nd House) are at odds with the way the Government has been spending other people’s money (8th House). Moon also inconjuncts Jupiter, implying the source of the disgruntlement. It is one thing to obey the law (Jupiter) but when those in power appear to think there is one rule for them and another for everyone else, we have a problem.

Jupiter forms part of a T-square to the Nodes with Mars at a loose parting conjunction to the South Node in the 6th House of work. Big business seems to have done reasonably well compared to small businesses. Self employed perhaps the most neglected throughout the pandemic. With the North Node in the 12th House, the focus is placed on the unmanifest; that which has had to be brought into existence through extraordinary circumstances. The result of these extraordinary measures are to be counted later in the enormous debt that countries across the world have had to accumulate to keep the crumbling system going for just a bit longer. On a more positive note, the event of Mars moving into Capricorn, at the end of January, could signal the beginning of the end of the COVID_19 pandemic itself (for the industrialised Western World at least). Saturn in the 9th House would imply continued travel restrictions for the UK.

We may never know the level of corruption and trickery (Mercury in the 7th House) at the hands of the Government (Mercury semi sextile Jupiter) but we must also acknowledge necessary cost of the development of a vaccine to combat COVID_19 and that we have not yet ensured that there is a global administration of it (‘We are not safe until everyone is safe’). Never more so has the difference between the haves and the have nots been highlighted so meaningfully.

The final important aspect of the Capricorn Ingress chart is the Saturn / Uranus square in the fixed signs of Aquarius and Taurus respectively. Uranus is retrograde (11º09) and is applying to the square with Saturn (10º49).

The breaking down (Uranus) of structure (Saturn) has perhaps not been so easy to see as it is at the moment. In the London based chart the square crosses the 9th and 12th Houses, suggesting a gulf between what crumbling edifice exists and the need to bring in a change that has yet to exist. On a global level the likelihood of extreme weather events look set to continue.

There have been suggestions in the UK of the need to change the voting system to Proportional Representation (much resisted by those who seek power through the First Past The Post System). There has also been talks globally about a Universal Basic Income, trialled in a few places to see what the impact might be. There are further discussions regarding the whole banking system (global financial reset) and whether crypto currency has a role to play in it. While Saturn and Uranus remain in fixed signs it seems unlikely that the new and innovative necessities required will be entertained but at the same time the present structures continue to degrade. The Saturn Uranus cycle is at its closing square, so we are now seeing the beginning of the end for many of these corrupt and outmoded systems, however there is no quick fix in sight and we should continue to promote better and more equitable structures for the future.

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