Sunday, 2 August 2009

Revolution On Our Horizon

An unemployed person over the age of 25 receives £64.50 a week in Jobseeker's Allowance. Or, to put it another way, this is the amount of money they are given to live for a week and to seek work. That's £3,354.00 a year.

The Sunday Times reports today that a group of 60 Ministers of Parliament received £250.00 a month from the House of Commons authorities for 'tea and coffee'; that's £3000.00 a year, or the equivalent of one very happy fig tree (See earlier blog).

Jeremy Browne (Liberal Democrat) claimed that the money he received went on office materials but also stated 'The fact that I've claimed that amount doesn't mean I have spent that amount'.

So where is it then? and why are you claiming more than you need?

Not that MPs, CEOs and high-flying, high-risk-taking-with-our-money-for-a-fat-bonus city workers are the only ones taking the mickey. Union leaders are apparently enjoying pay rises of between 8% - 10% while most of us ordinary folk contend with a pay freeze or even a pay cut. Unemployment in the UK has doubled and we are left wondering how these people can justify giving themselves rises that they clearly do not deserve.

The ingredients for a revolution loom large. The figures are waved in our faces every day and while the majority may shrug their shoulders in apathy and decide once again not to vote in the next election, not to vote again will only invite those who abuse their positions of power to continue to do so.

The Labour Government were not the cause of the global credit crunch. They were, however, the keeper of the purse strings. The conservative party were right to point out that Labour did not put money aside for a rainy day. Banks made huge profits from us and it was our money that had to save them. Now we will be told that we must pay for the Government's mistake, the bank's mistake and for bank profits and Parliamentary expenses. Complaining about it really isn't good enough; we need to vote the Labour Party out. But who do we vote for?

The Conservative Party has had its nose in the expenses trough as much as any other party. They would rather that we pulled out of Europe because the UK is giving too much power to Brussels. And where would that leave us? No, the Conservatives are too fond of going backwards to be of any use in a progressive society. And besides, they were voted out unanimously for virtually the same kind power abuses that the Labour Government are committing today. So why they would have us believe that Europe could not cock up the country better than either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party is beyond me. I reckon it would be easier to tame one big monster than have to contend with a scrapping melee of home grown little ones.

The Liberal Democrats are no less guilty of collusion in expenses than any other party. I have often favoured voting for these guys because they have always favoured proportional representation but while that may at least make our vote more likely to count, why should we want to vote in anyone whose sole mission in life is to represent their wealth accumulation rather than the interests of the electorate?

It would seem apparent that the entire current political regime is rotten to the core. No amount of stirring the putrid sludge is going to clean the Commons of the stench of corruption and outrageous profiteering by its organised crime syndicates ...I mean political parties. Now is the time to consider how one might stage a bloodless revolution that will give the ordinary citizen in the UK control of their lives once more.

We must vote at the 2010 general election, all of us, the highest turnout ever. And we must vote for absolutely anyone but Labour, Conservative or Liberal Democrat.

The BNP recognized this at the 2009 European Election. What happened was that the Conservative voters all went out and voted in the same stalwart sheepish way that Conservative voters do, which is why they were so successful at the European election. Not because Labour voters voted Conservative - nor indeed that the Conservatives are in any way better than Labour- they just didn't vote. The BNP, sensing a low turnout, pushed their voters to vote and proved that the political spectrum can change under proportional representation if people vote for what they believe in. Now they have MEPs in Europe.

What the Conservative die hards do not want you to figure out is that, if everyone is disaffected by the performance of the Labour Government, and all Labour voters stay at home, the Conservatives can win a landslide victory in Parliament. They can win by ensuring that all you can't-see-the-point Labour voters just stay at home. Then, of course, some 15 or 20 years later when they too have cocked up the country, the Labour voters will be suddenly kicked into action to vote them out again.

Labour voters are the true voice of this country. Often they will make up the largest proportion of the have-nots. To have a chance of having anything at all over the next ten years they need to vote for someone else whilst disaffected with Labour (although why they would want to vote for more poverty is a mystery). Conservative and Labour voters both need to stop voting just to keep the other one out. They both need to go. Only when everyone is voting for what they believe in will we see the true feelings of the country.

Some people might say that no one outside of the big political parties would be able to run the country. I would say that I haven't seen any political Governing body that has achieved that in my life time.

There will be a revolution. If we act sooner rather than later it will cost us less in terms of pain and suffering. If we just allow the same old Government swap over in 2010, it is going to hurt us more than it will hurt them; trust me, they will see to that as they have shown us already.

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