Sunday, 29 December 2019

Numerology: The Year 2020

It is the end of the second decade at the beginning of a new millennium. The calendar has been dominated by the number 1 for almost 2000 years, meaning that the world’s population has been preoccupied with establishing the attainment of the self. We have been an inward looking people, reaching out only to conquer and acquire. In the grand scheme of things it has only been recently that we have begun to consider what kind of relationship we should have with our neighbours.

In 1957 (a 22 year) the beginning of what is now known as the European Union took it’s first baby steps. Now at the end of 2020 it looks like the UK is set to leave (commonly known as Brexit). Pundits suggest that other countries in the EU may yet follow, especially if there is an economic issue and more nationalist governments gain in popularity.

Strangely enough, the year 1957 is linked to the slogan ‘Make America Great Again’, used extensively by Donald Trump as he became the 45th President of the United States to the amazement of many (When asked the question, ‘When was America great?’ the most popular date given was 1957).

Another common link between the UK and the US, albeit for different reasons, is the division between political left and right vision of the future. For now the right has the advantage because the ‘I attain’ of number 1 has not yet learned how the ‘share successfully’ of number 2.

Understanding the value of sharing is going to take some time but for now there will be some bickering and arguments as we start to define clearly how one person’s notion of sharing differs from another. There are many organisations that will come under the spotlight. The United Nations, N.A.T.O, World Trade Organisation, OPEC, Amnesty International (and other such organisations), Red Cross / Crescent, Religious organisations, charities, prisons, corporations, banks and stock markets.

The reason this is such a big list is because the era we arrive at now includes the beginnings of some big astrological cycles: Saturn starts a new 33-year cycle with Pluto at the same time that Jupiter and Saturn start their own 20-year business cycle in addition to Jupiter’s new cycle with Pluto. All three of these events occur in 2020 and one cannot ignore the compatibilities of one esoteric discipline to another.

Fundamentally we need to learn to ‘play nicely’. In a world where 1% of the people hold 90% of the wealth, it is a clear indication that something is not working well for many. As the number 2 pertains to relationships, so it is that we must learn that any mutual relationship has to be equitable. But learning this will take possibly decades before we start to see something even remotely resembling positive progress. For now we have to lay out our stall to see not only what we have but what we have to offer.

The year 2020 is made up of two lots of 20. This should give you a clue as to how the beginning of this negotiation is going to begin. Let’s use Brexit as an example. The UK will say to the EU, ‘We want every benefit we had while in the EU but none of the ties’. Europe will say, We want you to have none of the benefits but all of the ties’. Both will be willing to share their version of what the future relationship should look like but will reject the vision of the other. The UK Prime Minister wants us to leave ‘with a trade deal’ at the end of 2020 with no further extensions. The EU want an extension beyond 2020. This is a typical example of what 20 - 20 looks like. The zero is the important giveaway here. It can be nothing or everything but tied together with a number 2 it indicates that I can see my vision of what a relationship should look like but not your vision. And you should agree with my vision as I will not entertain yours.

I predicted years ago that the UK would leave the EU without a deal. With the year 2020 taken into consideration, I maintain my prediction.

In astrological terms the number 2 is linked to the second house of values and hence Taurus and it’s ruling planet Venus. One should therefore look closely at issues to do with land and where are it’s standing armies? Europe has already indicated that it wishes to form a European army and the US has indicated that it wishes to withdraw it’s bases from many places in the world. Uranus is currently traveling through Taurus, so it may not be so surprising that questions of the value of standing armies is considered against new technology and aerial capability.

Number 2 is the number of diplomacy, so it is also duplicity. This is a world where one does not lie but is economical with the truth. It is also the path to understanding that your truth or my truth is not necessarily the truth. To demonstrate this we need to establish what a relationship actually is.

The individual has to be able to share something with something else in order for there to be a relationship. It does not have to be a relationship with another person; it could be a job or some form of contract or even an unwritten agreement. Anything that ties the ‘self’ to something which is ‘not self’ can form a relationship.

These relationships can either work well or fall apart. Sometimes it is easy to understand, like if I don’t pay a monthly payment according to a contract, there will be consequences for me to suffer as the person who broke the agreement. The relationship will most likely change or even terminate as a consequence.

Individual relationships are more complex. The most successful relationships are ones where both parties value the partnership highly enough to ensure that the other person is happy within it. But if only one person benefits from the relationship, it will lead to unhappiness of the one who experiences a detriment and the relationship once again either changes for the worse or ends.

Relationships between countries is much more difficult. It is often said that there is a special relationship between the UK and the US. They share more in common than just the English language but where they disagree at times, the value of that relationship determines to what lengths both will go in order to maintain the closeness that allows benefits beyond just a common tongue.

Juxtapose this to the relationship between the US and Iran. The vision of a good working relationship between the two could not be more different because the vision and values of each country as to what would make a relationship work is markedly different.

In recent times there has been a push towards globalism; an ideal which could possibly lead to a world government and an end to war among nations. The European Union was in part an experiment of this coming together but it started to become a bit of an exclusive club that simply created a new divide. Most of this was economic and the globalist agenda was effectively hijacked by profiteers: corporations and banks whose goal is ever to enrich themselves and their shareholders rather than profit the world.
Consequently we face a global destruction by corporate greed: the deforestation of rainforests, the explosion of plastic ruining ecosystems, contamination of the sea through nuclear accident and the reluctance to enhance renewable energy sources because of a loss in profit. It behoves the world to reject the insanity of sacrificing the planet on the alter of share holder profit. Of course others may not agree, especially if it benefits them less.

The heavenly body most closely associated with number 2 is the Moon, whose light is merely a reflection of the light of the Sun. The Moon has no light to speak of and the light is therefore an illusion. But we perceive that the Moon has light, which many a song has utilised and it is perception that also defines how we respond as individuals to relationships with others. And in this case we sometimes get it wrong, especially if the only evidence we have to go by is what we alone perceive as the truth of it.

The number 2 is also the first female number (1 is male). Not surprisingly the world leadership has been male dominated for the whole of the time the number 1 has sat at the front of the calendar year. Now the 2 takes it’s place (and for 1000 years) there will be an ever increasing establishment of female influences that one hopes will temper the impulse of men to act with guns instead of trying with tongues first. Women are much better at  playing nicely.

The most important part of any relationship is to discover if our understanding of this perception is mutual. If it is not then we delude ourselves. What we want out of a relationship is not necessarily what is on offer; negotiators will tell you this. It is therefore imperative to listen carefully to what is being offered without adding the bias of what we perceive that we want to hear.

The Brexit referendum was conducted in 2016, a year that adds up to 9. What a stupid year to consider a new beginning. 2015 would have made more sense (8 the number of direction) or 2017 (the beginning of a new cycle). So going through years of rancour and pulling in different directions was bound to happen.

2020 adds up to 4, the number of system and organisation. This ties in with the Saturn Pluto cycle that also talks about lasting organisational structures upon which we build the foundations of societal advancement. People may know what they want but not necessarily how to achieve them in a way that is agreeable to those whom which we wish to share.

Number 4 is a foundation stone, designed to be the rock upon which all else is built. Solid relationships matter and one cannot sit on the fence unless the desired effect is to create discord and chaos. There has never been a better time to converse, which means talking and listening, with a view to finding a way forward that is not only sharing to the benefit of all but also to playing nicely. What will happen to begin with will be arguments and disagreement. It is both inevitable and necessary in order to clear the air and understand the feelings each have for the other. But dialogue, however fractious to begin with, is a positive step towards better relations.