Tuesday, 1 January 2019

The Astrological Cyclic Index: Some Conclusions

As the old year begins to pass from 2018 to 2019, the world economy looks unsettled. I had expected this to be much earlier; three years earlier to be precise.

I started a journey back in 2003, discovering the astrological cyclic index, I discovered this through Andre Barbault (although he was not the originator of the idea), rarely written about and seemingly not that often used. The cyclic index is a mundane astrology method that tracks the unfolding and closing cycles of the outer planets: societal Jupiter and Saturn alongside generational planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

My initial conclusions were that something of great significance would happen in 2009 and then again in 2016. What actually happened is that the first event was concluded as the credit crisis of 2008 and we still await the next crisis that I predicted.

...or do we?

Alongside the cyclic index is also the actual cyclic paths of the outer planets. While I noted 2016 as pretty negative for the world, we were also approaching a cluster of big conjunctions in 2020. Saturn and Pluto would start a new 33 year structural cycle. Jupiter would also conjunct with Pluto, meaning that Jupiter and Saturn would also begin a new 20-year societal cycle. The conclusion is that both structural and societal changes would occur almost simultaneously. For this to happen there would have to be some significant changes globally.

The central banks decided after 2008 to introduce ‘quantitative easing’, which was designed to allow banks to borrow money to lend to business in order to kick start the economy. What actually happened was that banks borrowed the cheap money and bought their own stocks in order to inflate it’s value; corporations did the same. The more money that was pumped in, the more banks and corporations bought their own stocks. The result was that the DOW, for example, increased from around 12,000 to 26,000. Small businesses could not get a loan and first time house buyers struggled to get a mortgage. The rental market expanded and the cost of renting became much more expensive.

By 2017 the Federal Bank started to introduce ‘quantitative tightening’, taking back all the money it had given out. What should have been a stimulus to the consumer economy had failed due to the greed of banks and corporations; nothing new there then.

The result is inevitable; the global economy must correct itself. Bond markets are under pressure, stocks and shares are also under pressure. An economy cannot survive without consumers and consumers cannot consume without disposable income.

Now given that the Saturn Pluto cycle heralds a new structure - one that is sustainable - the global crash has only one short period left to occur and that is from the beginning of 2019 until the beginning of the Saturn Pluto conjunction. So the event I thought would happen in 2016 is still alive and well, albeit that the central banks interfered to make it look like everything was ok.

In fact the central banks have been working towards a global financial reset since the 2008 crash - possibly even before that but they weren’t ready then, hence kicking the financial can down the road for ten years until they had grabbed as many hard assets as possible to protect themselves.

The lesson learned for me is that the position of specific cycles may well supersede the timing of the cyclic index; in this case the Saturn Pluto cycle. Or to put it another way, the problem may well exist but somehow it will get strung out until the appropriate time. Had the central banks not created their ‘extend and pretend' (courtesy William Stickevers) liquidity injections there is every chance the global economic crash would have happened as forecast. But that didn’t happen and it is worth examining why.

The battle we face now, as Pluto conjuncts with Saturn in bureaucratic Capricorn and will very soon begin the journey through technological Aquarius (with Uranus only just ingressed into value-assertive Taurus) is who will command the income direction for the next 30 years or so. Central banks fight to dominate and control the world order with everything they have while crypto currency (creating platforms for global trade without the use of the American dollar) threatens to snatch the power of fiduciary currency away from them.

Anyone who has followed my blogs or those of other leading predictive mundane astrologers, will know that we have all been saying to get ready for this and to diversify any savings while eliminating debt. Even with foresight I have to confess that staying out of debt has been difficult (it happens when your family spend money for you) but I have diversified in case of collapse in one of the big banks (deutsche bank has been singled out on more than one occasion) and a sudden plunge in currency values.

A quick glance at the Aries ingress of 2019 (the new astrological year) revealed the Moon at 27ยบ Virgo and void of course. A void of course Moon suggests that ‘nothing is going to happen’ meaning that it indicates no sudden global changes within this time. However, the 2019 Aries ingress is late 20 March and for the UK there is one very big change happening on 29 March... Brexit. At the end of 2018 there is no agreed deal for leaving Brexit, which means that as Mars enters Aries, it is unlikely that nothing will happen between now and the Aries ingress, which in turn means that whatever is decided for the UK has to be hammered out in less than three months.

I believe the same will go for Donald Trump and any attempts to impeach him; unless they can achieve this before the Aries ingress, nothing will come of it.

But this is not necessarily meaning that there is a whole year of nothing happening. It is more accurate to say that not a lot will be changing, which makes any changes before then quite significant. If a global economic crash occurs in January 2019 and no solutions are found before the Aries ingress, nothing significant will happen. The recession turns to depression.

Whatever transpires, 2019 may be the year where we look seriously about the direction we wish to move forward, so that by late 2020, when Saturn meets once again with Pluto, we will know what power leads the masses and if that be for better or worse.