Monday, 26 May 2014

Europe 2014. The Politicians Still Do Not Get It.

After the 2014 European elections, where many people have voted for anyone except the mainstream parties, it seems that the politicians still do not get it, so perhaps we need to help them along.

In the United Kingdom the resounding winner of the EU election was UKIP, whose sole intention is to come out of the EU altogether and go back to trading with Europe but not be governed by them. And why does this option seem so attractive? Because it offers a semblance of control by the people of the UK over its destiny that it appears not to have today. So great is the significance of this victory that it has broken 100 years of a ‘Labservative’ stranglehold on the UK government.

But the mainstream parties appear to be obtuse in public as to their understanding of the  underlying causes. Here is what they have to say for themselves immediately after being defeated by UKIP.

The Conservatives, having been beaten for the first time ever in an election into third place, believe that the way forward is to offer the same thing they offered before the European election and negotiate a new treaty with the European Union and then offer an ‘in / out’ referendum in 2017.  David Cameron’s answer to the election result is therefore to ‘stick to the plan’. He fails to understand that the reason why he lost the election is that people of the UK care little for what Europe can do FOR them as much as they care about what they perceive that Europe is doing TO them.

At least that might be how it seems but as we know, there is a global debt crisis that was caused by those who politicians work for - no, not the electorate but banks, businesses and corporations. The electorate will be aware that the mainstream parties are chugging inexorably towards doing a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that allows corporations to sue governments (and by extension cost the taxpayer a fortune) for loss of earnings if those governments do not allow the likes of fracking and GMO foods to do business in our country. This is just a typical example of how much government fails to listen to the people. So telling us that they will have to listen now is risible. Simply put, the Conservatives are not going to listen to the people unless those people have money.

What every UK politician does not seem to get is that it’s not just the economy stupid, it’s the fact that government represents business, corporate interest and its own treasury coffers over the wishes of the people they want to elect them. And the problems to be dealth with are global not just in this country, so the problem inherent in our system is hardly a National one or even a European one.

Also, politicians still seem deny the power of the Internet, even after they had attempted to gag anyone who might inconveniently tell it how it is. Information is so much easier to harvest, bypassing the lies and propaganda of mainstream media, that the old government models of bluff and obfuscation are as outmoded as the Parliamentary system that is causing the very real problem for political ideology to grow strong and meaningful foundations to the little people.

Labours Ed Miliband defended the party’s second place, narrowly beating the Conservatives into third, by saying that the result shows deep discontent among the UK public with the way the country is run and the way our economy works, declaring that Labour can bring the change the country needs. Given the evidence already manifest in the global economy, he is  either trying to lie his way to a general election victory or he is greatly exaggerating his party’s capability or he is deluded about the global economic reality. Whichever option you choose, Mr Miliband and the Labour party are just as disingenuous as the Conservatives - hence you start to get the picture as to why an extreme party can beat main stream parties in elections.

The financial global reset, hardly announced in the mainstream media, began in April 2014 when Russia made a declaration that they intended to trade with other countries in currencies other than the US petrodollar. People may also be unaware that countries outside of the Western World have for some years built up gold reserves with the sole purpose of bringing back asset backed currencies, leaving the fiat currencies with insurmountable debt and money that is devalued severely on the world stage. By late 2015 the Western World will see the looming spectre of a global depression, that very few people are aware of or prepared for.

Now unless Ed Miliband has some kind of magic wand to repair the debt based monetary system, there is nothing he can do to change the UK economy unless he is prepared to cut loose from the International Monetary fund, cut all economic ties with both the US and Europe and repatriate the very large quantities of gold owned by the UK monarchy. Now that would be a 2015 election manifesto worth reading.

Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Liberal Democrats, who was noticeably absent from the interview circuit, is perhaps reconsidering his position after the Lib Dem vote all but collapsed and calls for his resignation came quickly after.

Tim Farron, the Lib Dem party chair, said the result was as he had feared would happen but they were punished for standing up for the right reasons in support of the European Union. This is, of course, another delusional stance, making the Liberal Democrats no less disingenuous than the other two parties.

The Liberal Democrat record in coalition with the Conservative party has been one of hypocrisy and possibly naivety, as no doubt the Conservatives have taken every political opportunity to make them look bad without it looking like they did anything at all. The Lib Dems said, before forming the coalition, they would not raise tuition fees for University students and then went ahead and supported a law to raise them. It was a fatal mistake that cost support across the whole membership. Therefore the Liberal Democrat collapse had nothing to do with Europe; they were already dead.

And let us not forget the victos. UKIP are not without their own delusions. Nigel Farage believes the result of the European election is an indictment of the people’s wish to come out of Europe. But to believe this is to ignore the fact that also across Europe, many extreme right and left wing parties made significant gains throughout Europe, demonstrating the very real discontent that people all over Europe feel about the mainstream governments and their participation in allowing the economic austerity to be laid at their door, instead of the banks that caused it.

London Mayor, Boris Johnson, has called the swing of public opinion toward extreme parties as a peasant’s revolt and he is not far wrong in his historical assessment. One only has to look back at around 1848 to see a similar uprising that was then dubbed the ‘European Spring’.

In France the Front Nationale made sweeping gains and in Greece the far left party Syriza made sweeping gains, demonstrating how the electorate, unable to vote for ‘None Of The Above’ have chosen to vote for any party but the mainstream ones. Likewise across the other European countries, with the exception of the newly admitted nations, the move away from the mainstream political parties is plain to see. Without doubt it is the economic crisis, austerity, joblessness and failure to punish those responsible that is to blame for the discontent.

Angela Merkel of Germany called the results ‘regrettable’ but there is an uncomfortable elephant in the room that all mainstream politicians are trying so desperately hard to ignore.

No politician in the Western world is so stupid as to know nothing about how the economic landscape is undergoing a fundamental shift. No politician (worth voting for) is unaware that the global depression just over the hill is going to hit everyone really hard. And more significantly, no politician is about to turn on the banking system that created the problem and make them pay for it.

What most people see on the ground is that the country has no money and cannot afford to build houses, create more infrastructure and create jobs for the indigenous population. This translates into concerns about immigration, fears over ever rising rents, welfare benefit cuts, severe sanctions on the unemployed, lack of school places, rising energy costs, a rise in retirement age and, as the Labour party has coined it, a cost of living crisis. Unfortunately for Labour they have not the money, the ability or the power to make the changes they claim they can make at the 2015 general election. And just a few months after the May 2015 election, whoever wins the poison chalice will have to start being honest with the electorate and say it how it is.

The people of Europe are not fundamentally Euro skeptic. It would be more accurate to say that people are politician skeptic. Corruption in the corridors of power continue as they did before. The system is unchanged and the only beneficiaries are people with money. While this continues the 99% will remain discontented. I am sure that there are many good and decent conviction politicians. But until they managed to clean up the execrable system that promotes corruption, nepotism, cronyism, backhanders, corporate influence, tax havens, nest feathering and all round self interest, it is difficult to understand why they might feel aggrieved that we treat what they stand for with contempt.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

The UK Housing Super Bubble and the Cyclic Index

Have you ever been in a situation where you started something but it gets out of hand and you know you can’t sustain it? Common sense tells you to pull the plug but for whatever reason you can’t see a way to do it. Imagine for example not celebrating Christmas; it is kind of unthinkable. It is a Jupiter factor, expanding but going too far - too much Jupiter and not enough Saturn.

But too much Jupiter is what the world faces in terms of its monetary crisis. Quantitative easing pumps more and more money into the economy with no real benefit in real terms.

Meanwhile, in the UK there is a housing super-bubble that plonked high investment capital into properties in London and the ripples of displacement among the resident population are sending house prices ever higher as demand among those who still have money cascades into the surrounding suburbs. In my part of London, property values have gone up by 25% compared to just two years ago.

Millions of ordinary people with average salaries are excluded from this house price bonanza. Ten percent deposits now in 2014 would have bought a house outright 25 years ago. Their only alternative is to rent and yet the rising cost of house prices have fueled a rent increase bubble every bit as unaffordable. Landlords are putting up rents and putting a great strain on working tenants and welfare recipients alike. People who have lived in London all their lives are at the point where they cannot afford to live there any longer.

To most people it would seem that there is somehow a sudden leap into prosperity for those with money; the green shoots of economic recovery is only for the rich, but it is more complex. The low interest rates throughout fiat currencies makes it unprofitable to stick money in a bank doing nothing. Financial institutions have tried to channel as much investors money as they can towards ever high risk debt derivatives. But investors want high return for low risk, so the safest returns outside of hard gold assets (real gold not paper gold) would appear to be in property.

So the housing bubble will continue to push prices up until, as with all bubbles, it stretches just that bit too far and bursts asunder. But when will that be?

The cyclic Index of Andre Barbault is not too clear on the matter. The year 2014 is calculated at -183 in terms of the overall outer planetary cycles, implying that this is not a good (progressive) year and yet the contradiction exists of all this money sloshing about to buy houses. The time that Barbault’s cycle suggests is the beginning of a much longer term downward trend is 2016. With this indicator alone what we see in the world today is confusing. It is true that too much Jupiter breeds overconfidence, therefore we have to treat the messages of economic recovery we hear with a large pinch of salt. So the housing bubble is not an indicator towards greater prosperity for all.

Theodore White noted that the mutable years would indicate the most changeable and unsettling of periods from around August 2015 (We are still in cardinal territory at this point). When I started to break down Barbault,s cyclic index into monthly changes there was indeed a significant downward thrust in September of 2015, generated mostly by the opposition of Jupiter and Neptune on 17 September 2015. The Moon’s North Node sits ominously on one degree of Libra (cardinal) and will move into Virgo (mutable) on 10 October 2015. It seems likely that the housing bubble, and more besides, will be over by then.

The housing super bubble may seem to some to be evidence of a contradiction of everything mentioned before about the cardinal grand cross and the significance it would herald. But knowing that the global currency reset started then, with moves by Russia, China and India to trade outside of the petro dollar, I believe that the ripples created will have a far deeper impact on the world than we realise now because it will take time for those ripples to be felt. We may not feel it in our lives this instant but it does not mean that what happened is any the less powerful.

However, the question remains unanswered by Barbault’s method about why it is that there would appear to be optimism generated by an apparent economic recovery in the UK today?

My thanks must go to a gentleman by the name of Kenneth Harmon who compelled me to look at the work of Robert Doolaard. Doolaard is a Dutch astrologer who received great interest in his work from the eminent Charles Harvey. Doolaard’s book ‘The Waves of War’
 attracted much interest and plans were made to publish in English. Unfortunately Charles Harvey died before the plans to publish were finalised and Doolaard’s work, as far as I am aware, remains unpublished in English. However, the link above is written in English and makes for very interesting reading.

Doolaard’s cyclic method used all of Barbault’s outer planet calculations but then Doolard grouped them into three ‘waves’ rather than one; Uranus, Neptune and Pluto made up the ‘Uranus wave’, cycles including Saturn made up the ‘Saturn wave’ and cycles including Jupiter made up the ‘Jupiter wave’ (all cycles were calculate only once, so the Jupiter Saturn cycle for example was included in the Jupiter wave and not the Saturn wave).

I started a monthly calculation from 2014 and could see that the Uranus wave was in positive territory at least all the way to 2080 when Uranus next opposes Neptune. This understanding also illuminates us to the conclusion that the Uranus wave is not the dysfunctional energy that will cause the depression of 2015 and the hard decisions we must face well into the 2020s. The collective unconscious still moves forward in a progressive manner.

The Saturn wave was already in negative territory at 2014 and remains there until August of 2026. With this information I am convinced what we see here is how long austerity will affect the world and we will not see the true shoots of recovery until the summer of 2026. Unlike the interpersonal outer planets, Saturn is societal and it’s structural energy is the very thing being tested today. The Saturn Pluto cycle renews in 2020 when a new structure can be put together. Until then it is certain that the old structure must crumble, which is why the housing bubble is a symptom of the broken structure rather than a cure for it.

The Jupiter wave is faster and more volatile than the other two waves. In June 2013 the wave hit a purple patch of high plusses for a few months and then dipped to relatively low minus figures. Then at the beginning of 2014 there was a new surge of plus figures as the housing bubble gathered momentum. The fluctuation from plus to minus was caused by the Jupiter Pluto cycle running back and forth over the opposition point. But the negative territory from May is quite shallow and the wave returns to positive territory again in September 2014 and goes all the way through to September 2015 where it crashes suddenly with a thumping minus when Jupiter opposes Neptune (17 September 2015)

So Doolaard’s calculations indicate that September 2015 is when the whole system comes crashing down. The housing bubble will be just one of a number of dysfunctional and unsustainable entities that falls. The Jupiter wave does not return to positive territory until March 2022, which gives a strong indication as to when the real green shoots of recovery start to appear. This is a non negotiable set of conditions; the current system must fall and a new system must be built. The wheels for this were set in motion at least since the economic crash of 2008 and the global currency reset, the devaluation of the US dollar, the Euro, the pound and any other currency where quantitative easing was used are inevitabilities.

The chart of the 17 September 2015 places the Jupiter Neptune opposition at 7 degrees of Virgo Pisces. But the chart has Saturn at a critical degree, 29 of Scorpio and the North Node critical at 1 degree of Libra. If Jupiter is money and Neptune is the dissolving, I think we will know on this day what to look forward to.

In the UK 1801 chart, the Jupiter Neptune opposition falls in the 5th / 11th house axis. We will perhaps come to witness how much of ‘we’re all in this together’ we really were. One can, of course, expect to see wholesale fraud and deception revealed at this point. I imagine that the general populace will not be happy about how greatly they have been hoodwinked. Venus and Mars are also in the 11th house in a closing cycle reflecting an almost single minded opposition to the lies and the deceit.

There are a number of secondary progressed planets in the UK 1801 chart sitting in the 11th house: Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn in Leo with Mars on the 12th house cusp. The UK is going to have a lot of work to do when the soft and smelly stuff hits the whirly blades. One imagines that the UK government may attempt to invoke a ‘stiff upper lip’ approach - and the UK people are a fairly stoic bunch - but I can’t see us biting our tongues and just getting on with it. People must go to jail.

In conclusion, the UK housing bubble cannot last beyond September 2015. The chances are the collapse will be sudden and irreversible. Millions of people will lose their money and their homes. The sweetness of Jupiter is great until you have too much of it and it makes you sick. Many warnings will exist, even within banks, to try to ensure that you do not expand beyond your capacity to deal with the unforeseen. Only in this instance it is transparent for those who are receptive to astrological cycles.